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In company training Dutch language (NT2) and culture for a better understanding and communication

When learning a new language its nice to have some guidance. Being an expat you'll already put quite some time and energy into doing a good job at work, understanding the Dutch rules and culture, and of course staying in touch with your family and (new) friends. In that case it's nice when your employer offers you support with learning to communicate in Dutch. This will help both at work and in your private life.


Practical training with attention for personal needs

  • accent on communication and work culture;
  • instructions mixed with exercises and language games;
  • Dutch teacher comes to your workplace;
  • possibility to repeat information at home via videos;
  • instruction in English and Dutch;
  • duration training  from three months to one year;
  • small groups from three to eight persons;
  • tips to learn new languages;
  • vocabulary focused on your job;
  • from beginners level A0 to advanced B2.
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In the spotlight: attention to (work) culture

As an expat you have to deal with new social manners, both privately and at work. That is why a basic module on culture and communication is always offered in this training.

A more extensive module on work culture can also be included on request. This includes the work of Geert Hofstede and Erin Meyer, two pioneers in the field of cultural dimensions and the influence on communication, among other things.

Training by a certified teacher of the Dutch language

Marloes has over fifteen years of experience in education, of which ten years as a language teacher.  "I have a passion for teaching skills so that people gain more confidence. One of these skills is know how to communicate well. As a language teacher I pay attention to overcome speech fright, dare to ask for help and learn about the different ways of learning a new language."


People are different, companies are different and so are trainings in Dutch

Of course there are many similarities between people and the rules of a language don't just suddenly change per company, but there's a different need per group of people. This is why we look together with the team to what the goals of this training in Dutch could be. With this information the training will be tailor made regarding level, themes, duration and intensity.

You can contact us by phone or fill in the form to receive more information without obligation. We'll be soon in touch.

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